Please read to the end.


1-Wereceive many applications and requests for vocalizationand we would like to give general information on this subject. We would like to portray the subject with imaginary characters and present it to you as an example:
For example, Ahmet has a voice that is admired by his friends, family, in short, by his environment, and many people see this as a talent and tell Ahmet that he should make use of this talent. Ahmet can’t stand the insistence any longer and does a quick search on the internet. He reaches a lot of information while browsing sites about voice-over. But he gets confused. Maybe he’s e-mailing us.

Who is enthusiastic about voice-over, “I can do this job. Everyone says my voice is beautiful…” Let’s write it as an explanation for friends who say. Dear Ahmet’s voice can be very beautiful, even admirable. Maybe as impressive as Elvis Presley. But is that always enough for voice acting? Unfortunately, 100% is not enough.

Although the first element sought in a voice actor seems to have a beautiful tone of voice, there are also indispensable factors. The most important of these factors is good, even perfect diction. This requires a good education. It must be spoken in proper Turkish. Another factor affecting speech is orthodontic problems. The person should not have problems with speech due to the structure of the mouth/teeth/palate. There should never be “even a slight” shift of accent, i.e. dialect. Again, problems such as “open e – closed e”, which we call habitually crushing some letters, and similar problems parallel to diction are professional obstacles. If there are problems mentioned here, they should be corrected with diction lessons.

2-To continue with anotherexample:

Gamze realized the importance of this job and received diction training. They don’t have the problems we described above. Gamze is a friend with a more fluent speech and proper diction. Of course, he cannot decide this for himself. So he might even have a certificate. Anyway, let’s move on thinking that he is fine.

Yes, Gamze seems to have moved up a level, but she is only at the beginning of her voice-over career! What she needs to do next is to improve herself, especially in commercial voice-overs. She will need to focus on some details that need to be considered in the voiceover of advertising and develop these aspects. First of all, theater education is of great importance in this regard.

Gamze came to the studio to read an advertisement job she had received and as a normal process of the job, the client who gave the advertisement job also came to listen to Gamze. Gamze started reading the ad copy, but the client was not happy. Yes, he reads in proper Turkish, but something is wrong. Because when Gamze read the ad, there was no expression on her face. He even read with a frown. And naturally this was reflected in his voice…

All the facial expressions on our face are reflected in your voice when you read the ad. While reading the ad copy, you also need to play the ad and analyze its subtext! So creative drama education is also involved here…

3-In our previous article, we mentioned the importance of theater and creative drama and that the facial expressions on your face are reflected in your voice. When we get angry in our normal life, how our eyebrows are frowned and this expression is reflected in our voice, your facial expressions will be reflected in your voice while doing voice-over.

But what you need to pay attention to here is what the text is telling you and how much you have analyzed it. In other words, not being able to analyze the subtext may cause you not to make the right gestures during the voice-over and perhaps to read the text in a flat way.

In fact, there is much more to tell about it, but we cannot write everything here. To summarize, this is not a job to be done as a hobby, and the voice actors, especially the voice actors who make commercials, are the people who have given their lives to this work; theater actors, film actors or dubbing artists who have worked in this business for many years.

Many people think that only vocal beauty is enough for this job. But among the applicants we receive, i.e. those who are engaged in other unrelated professions, the number of people we take into account is almost negligible.
But as we always do, as Sesizi, we would like to give an opportunity to you, that is, friends and artist candidates who are encouraged by their friends and families around them for voice-over, who have attended any dubbing or voice-over course.

For this, it is enough to send your Advertising and Promotion voices to the address below. After your demos are reviewed, you will definitely be returned to you positively or negatively. If there is a positive return, it is requested to reside in Istanbul as it will be interviewed face to face. No sound quality is required in the sent sounds. A few sample ad recordings on your cell phone will suffice.