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Tuna Öztunç, who is a member of SESİZİ Voice and Production Services, one of Turkey’s leading agencies in the field of voice-over and production, draws attention with his many years of media experience and voice-over career. He is currently successfully performing the art of voice-over as the external voice of the program called “Gelin Görümce”.
Professional Career History
1994-1997: Tuna Öztunç stepped into the media sector as the Southeastern Anatolia Regional Reporter and Regional Chief of Kanal 6 TV and Akşam Newspaper, and became a leading figure responsible for news production in this process.
1997-2000: He took another important step in his media career as a news editor, reporter and program host at Diyarbakır Söz Newspaper and Television.
2001-2003: He worked as news editor and presenter at Radio A (Anadolu University).
2004-2006: She proved her versatility in the media field by working as an editor and presenter at TRT 4 Open Education Television.
2006-2010: He worked as an actor and director at Istanbul State Theater and stood out with his talent in performing arts.
2010-2012: He worked in the voice-over and dubbing department at NTV News Center and reinforced his expertise in the field of voice-over.
2012-2016: He worked as a news coordinator, commentator and moderator at Uzay TV and also as a columnist at Gerçek Hayat Magazine.
2016-2017: He also played an influential role in the print media as the chief of the politics desk and columnist at Diriliş Postası Newspaper.
2017: He served as the Editor-in-Chief of Harbi Newspaper and also contributed as a columnist to the newspaper.
2018-2022: He reached the pinnacle of his television career as Foreign News Director, moderator and program host at TGRT News.
2024: He crowned his success in the media sector by anchoring TGRT Main News.
Voice Over Career
Tuna Öztunç has done voice-overs in many films, documentaries, local series and commercials since 2004. His ability to convey emotion and information to the audience with his voice has made him a well-known name in the sector.
The Key to Success: Experience and Versatility
Tuna Öztunç adds great value to SESİZİ Sound and Production Services with his deep knowledge, versatile experience and professionalism in the field of media and broadcasting. In addition to his career as a voice actor, he has assumed important duties in many fields such as news anchor, columnist and director.
Tuna Öztunç’s services under the roof of SESIZI Voice Over Agency stand out as a reflection of quality and professionalism.