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0212 211 00 90 |

Mazlum Kiper He is one of Turkey’s leading artists. Kiper started his artistic career at a young age and worked as an actor at the City Theaters for many years. In 1969, he went to Sweden to study theater and founded theater groups in the process. He has worked in television, cinema and advertising. In 1986, he returned to Turkey and joined the City Theaters, where he worked as an actor and director. He has also shown successful performances in movies and TV series.
Mazlum Kiper, also known as voiceover is also recognized as an artist. Kiper, who is also known for the documentaries, promotions and commercials he has voiced, has come to the fore in modern times with his voices for names such as Eşref Kolçak and Tanju Gürsu. Mazlum Kiper, the son of Müfit Kiper, was the General Artistic Director of the City Theaters for a period and made radical changes in the institution. The artist is Swedish and English he knows.